brain picture HealthYoga Kingston On

THE FOURTH PILLAR OF YOGA – THE PROCESS OF THOUGHT ( VICHARA) “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit to the changes it has had to go through in order to achieve that beauty”  – Unknown This pillar is referring to learning how to handle and discipline our own thoughts. To have that internal dialogue with ourselves and make a friend of our own mind.  Our mind is like a monkey jumping in a veritable jungle of disjointed preconceived ideas, feelings, desires, sensations, tension, thoughts, restrains that put us in great disbalance. Our thoughts are more or less undisciplined and uncontrolled,Read More →

The second pillar of yoga, recreation

THE SECOND PILLAR OF YOGA – RECREATION ( VIHARA IN SANSKRIT ) To regain lost vigor and get a sense of joy, refreshment, and satisfaction you have to have leisure-time activities almost every day. This activities are an essential part of human life and are shaped by everyone’s interest, possibilities, and surroundings. We all have natural inclinations towards doing some activities with ease and passion. They can be done with others, or on your own. They can be active or passive. These recreational activities give you relief from tension and fatigue created by repetitive work, studies or other life responsibilities. They release stress from yourRead More →